Saturday, November 28, 2009

Treasures of Last Year

Told you I'd be back.
So this is all stuff that I took from last years sketchbook. It was fun to go through it. About half of the stuf that was in it came from an art class that I took and the other half was just stuff that I did for fun. These are soe of my favorites.

I took a trip to the zoo and remembered to bring my sketchbook, thankfuly. I can tell you what, bears are by far the easyest to draw. Why? The don't move. All they do is sit and mope.
Thank you lazy bears!

By the way, these arn't exactly in chronilogical order.

National Geografic is a geat sorce of referance mateariel for drawings. That's where I got this one...I think.

Thought I'd try some sort of serious twist on red-riding-hood.

O.K. The next few are some of my very favorites. They are done useing a technuique with colored pencel. Instead of useing it in the normal fasion you layer them, like pastels, then mix them with the white pencel(or your finger). It makes the color very vibrent. I might post a walkthroug of the technquiek sometime.

This is a style that I developed a while ago. It includes sharp, somewhat angular, and exadurated features. I like to use it on drawings of fairies and elfs.

Thanks again National Geographic for the sorce of this pic.

Random sketch idea

These last two where from diferent parts of the class.

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