Saturday, November 28, 2009

Other Tidbits

Here's the last of the weekend scanning project!

O.K. I go these new colored pencils that I had been wanting for a long time a while ago and I was really exited, but I couldn’t think of anything to draw with them. so, I decided to draw something just to celebrate the fact that I had the pencils.

If you can't read it, it says Prismacolor. That's the brand. They’re the best brand of pencil ever, and probably of several other types of art supplies too. I them!

This one came about when my sister said something about what my hair dose when I put it in a ponytail. Since it's naturally curly and thin it will become one big ringlet. I like it, and think it's fun, so I decided to draw it.

This one happened in math, or the idea did. I was sitting there, being bored, and I looked from the window down to my hand. Maybe it was the fact that I was just looking at trees that made me realize how much the wrinkles on your knuckles look like the knots on trees. I decided to work it out on paper.

Random sketch of a mythical creature I made up a long time ago.

The next three are sort of studies that I've done. I've been into fairies for a long time and it's mostly due to Cicely Mary Barker. She was an artist and poet that did a lot of beautiful things with the idea of fairies. If you've never heard of her or her work before check this out. This is stuff sort of studies of her styles.

here is her alphabet book

You know the angular, exaggerated, elf style that I did in my old sketchbook? Well, these next four are the new version.

This one's my little accomplishment of the month. Ta-da!!

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