Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Finally Back On Track

Sorry it's been forever! What with homework and all things get really busy so I haven't had much time.

Here are some more 100 themes and an extra pic. for your enjoyment!

#55 waiting

#56 danger ahead

#57 sacrifice

This is one of my favorites. It's amazing how quiet the room often gets when I turn to this page in my sketch book.

#58 kick in the head

#59 no way out

#60 rejection

#61 fairy tale

#62 magic

If you've read my story blip that I posted forever ago (which is also way out of date and not even close to as good as my new edited version) this is Lilly!...at 15 years old instead of 12.

#63 do not disturb

#64 multitasking

#65 horror

#66 traps

#67 playing the melody

Sometimes things look awesome on paper and lose their flare through the scanner. This is one of them. Sigh!

Now the extra!
This is sort of my accomplishment of the month. I'm quite pleased with it.

For those of you who don't know who she is #1 I feel sorry for you, and #2 she's Audrey Hepburn, an amazing actress who stars in some old classics. She's probably my favorite actress of all time, with Barbra Streisand in a close second. If you haven’t heard of her, look her up. I'll be well worth your time.

Oh! You know that picture of a fairy with a butterfly on her arm that I did a wile ago? Well, I'm working on a color version of it, so hopefully that will be coming soon, even though it's taking me forever because I had to trace it on the computer.

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