Saturday, November 28, 2009

All Caught Up

Woo-hoo! I'm not behind anymore! It feels so good to be caught up on 100 themes and, get this, I not only got caught up but I also got ahead! I actually was able to go back and snag some of my past drawings and current pointless sketches and doodles so be watching because two more posts are going to be comin' at you any time now, maybe even today!

#68 hero

#69 annoyance

#70 67%

#71 obsession

I'm actually not that obsessed with computers or anything, but some of my friends are so that's where this one came from.

But, if we where talking my obsession...

And, yes, I drew that. I can do it from memory. It's that bad.

I know, I weird.

#72 mischief managed

#73 I can't

I've been a bit dry creativity wise, school is a fabulous creativity sucker, sorry. Maybe we'll get some good stuff over Christmas break.

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