Saturday, November 28, 2009

Other Tidbits

Here's the last of the weekend scanning project!

O.K. I go these new colored pencils that I had been wanting for a long time a while ago and I was really exited, but I couldn’t think of anything to draw with them. so, I decided to draw something just to celebrate the fact that I had the pencils.

If you can't read it, it says Prismacolor. That's the brand. They’re the best brand of pencil ever, and probably of several other types of art supplies too. I them!

This one came about when my sister said something about what my hair dose when I put it in a ponytail. Since it's naturally curly and thin it will become one big ringlet. I like it, and think it's fun, so I decided to draw it.

This one happened in math, or the idea did. I was sitting there, being bored, and I looked from the window down to my hand. Maybe it was the fact that I was just looking at trees that made me realize how much the wrinkles on your knuckles look like the knots on trees. I decided to work it out on paper.

Random sketch of a mythical creature I made up a long time ago.

The next three are sort of studies that I've done. I've been into fairies for a long time and it's mostly due to Cicely Mary Barker. She was an artist and poet that did a lot of beautiful things with the idea of fairies. If you've never heard of her or her work before check this out. This is stuff sort of studies of her styles.

here is her alphabet book

You know the angular, exaggerated, elf style that I did in my old sketchbook? Well, these next four are the new version.

This one's my little accomplishment of the month. Ta-da!!

Treasures of Last Year

Told you I'd be back.
So this is all stuff that I took from last years sketchbook. It was fun to go through it. About half of the stuf that was in it came from an art class that I took and the other half was just stuff that I did for fun. These are soe of my favorites.

I took a trip to the zoo and remembered to bring my sketchbook, thankfuly. I can tell you what, bears are by far the easyest to draw. Why? The don't move. All they do is sit and mope.
Thank you lazy bears!

By the way, these arn't exactly in chronilogical order.

National Geografic is a geat sorce of referance mateariel for drawings. That's where I got this one...I think.

Thought I'd try some sort of serious twist on red-riding-hood.

O.K. The next few are some of my very favorites. They are done useing a technuique with colored pencel. Instead of useing it in the normal fasion you layer them, like pastels, then mix them with the white pencel(or your finger). It makes the color very vibrent. I might post a walkthroug of the technquiek sometime.

This is a style that I developed a while ago. It includes sharp, somewhat angular, and exadurated features. I like to use it on drawings of fairies and elfs.

Thanks again National Geographic for the sorce of this pic.

Random sketch idea

These last two where from diferent parts of the class.

All Caught Up

Woo-hoo! I'm not behind anymore! It feels so good to be caught up on 100 themes and, get this, I not only got caught up but I also got ahead! I actually was able to go back and snag some of my past drawings and current pointless sketches and doodles so be watching because two more posts are going to be comin' at you any time now, maybe even today!

#68 hero

#69 annoyance

#70 67%

#71 obsession

I'm actually not that obsessed with computers or anything, but some of my friends are so that's where this one came from.

But, if we where talking my obsession...

And, yes, I drew that. I can do it from memory. It's that bad.

I know, I weird.

#72 mischief managed

#73 I can't

I've been a bit dry creativity wise, school is a fabulous creativity sucker, sorry. Maybe we'll get some good stuff over Christmas break.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Celtic knot

Got bored during my class in the computer room again, thankfully, they have installed Gimp on the computers now.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Finally Back On Track

Sorry it's been forever! What with homework and all things get really busy so I haven't had much time.

Here are some more 100 themes and an extra pic. for your enjoyment!

#55 waiting

#56 danger ahead

#57 sacrifice

This is one of my favorites. It's amazing how quiet the room often gets when I turn to this page in my sketch book.

#58 kick in the head

#59 no way out

#60 rejection

#61 fairy tale

#62 magic

If you've read my story blip that I posted forever ago (which is also way out of date and not even close to as good as my new edited version) this is Lilly! 15 years old instead of 12.

#63 do not disturb

#64 multitasking

#65 horror

#66 traps

#67 playing the melody

Sometimes things look awesome on paper and lose their flare through the scanner. This is one of them. Sigh!

Now the extra!
This is sort of my accomplishment of the month. I'm quite pleased with it.

For those of you who don't know who she is #1 I feel sorry for you, and #2 she's Audrey Hepburn, an amazing actress who stars in some old classics. She's probably my favorite actress of all time, with Barbra Streisand in a close second. If you haven’t heard of her, look her up. I'll be well worth your time.

Oh! You know that picture of a fairy with a butterfly on her arm that I did a wile ago? Well, I'm working on a color version of it, so hopefully that will be coming soon, even though it's taking me forever because I had to trace it on the computer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cool Tunes

Hey, if you like beat boxing then you've got to...
Watch this!

Isn't she amazing!!!