Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Little Splash of Color

Hello again!
Between colored pencils and the computer I’ve been doing a lot more coloring than I normally do. It’s been fun, and really enhances the finished result!

These first two are the results of boredom manifest on a notebook. With this one I just wanted to use my colored pencils and realized how good bright color looks against that drab brown.

This is the front of the same notebook, and I know that it isn’t exactly a drawing, but my friend had a gold wrapper and it was just begging to be mad into something.

This one was originally going to be the start of a series of animal themed masquerade outfits that I never real go around to. It’s supposed to be like a spider. I’m not sure it worked terribly well.

Another idea that I got from my idea friend.

The next three where originally doodles on various notes I was supposed o be taking. I ended up likening them so much that I decided they needed color!

Couldn’t decide which version I liked best.

Experimenting in the margins…

I learned some new manga coloring methods from observing a friend and wanted to put it to work.

OK, so I’m not really into cars, in fact I don’t really understand some peoples thing for them in the first place, but what I do like are fun, decorated cars. I decided that, as long as it runs, complete junker could b my dream car, provided I could paint it. Thus I present to you my dream car, or at least one option for it.

Oh, and the things in the upper right-hand corner are potential license plates.

1 comment:

Megan said...

These are pretty, but I want out chibified friends =)