Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kiss Me, I’m Celtic

We read Beowulf recently in my English class, and we spent a day talking over some of the culture and folklore of the time period that it was written and takes place in, which included talking about kells, or Celtic knots. I had been wanting to learn how to draw them for a long time anyway, and I thought this was the perfect excuse, so I looked them up that night and started drawing. Lo and behold, the next day in class we were given an assignment to guess what. That’s right, Draw Celtic knots! Go figure!

Anyway, after that I got kind of carried away… I’m just glad that I finally got these posted.

I made all of them up except for the one that’s jst above the moon and star one. This one down below is my favorite. Fun, hu?


Megan said...

Over achiever!

Lindy said...

Dustin would be proud. Did you ever see the china cabinet and table he made me when we were first married? He wood carved celtic knots

Britta said...

Those are really awesome! I researched celtic knots just a few months ago for a work assignment and got hooked into creating a few. They're kind of addicting. Yours are absolutely fabulous. Don't you love it when school assignments coincide with what you want to do?