Saturday, January 23, 2010


Woo-Hoo got another post done! Hope you like it.

I was doing a doodle page of my cartoon of me, because I hadn’t drawn it for a wile, and a friend got a hold of my paper and drew her character too. I thought it was funny, so I kept them on, hopefully you can tell which ones are mine and which are hers. If it helps any, she draws lighter than me, so the lighter stuff is hers, and we both used only one character.

I was trying out a new style inspired by some fairy stickers I had. I really liked the results.

My friend (a different one than the other two. I feel loved!) wanted me to draw her a picture, so I thought I’d use my new style. I like it and I think she did to.

This one was another idea from a friend (the same one that asked me to draw his symbol, the sword one, and the cartoon manatee and panda. I think I’m going to have to start calling him my “idea friend”). Can you see the face in the bottom of the glass?

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love the fairy picture