Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Magic Carpet-Drawer?

You know in Mary Poppins, how she has that magic carpetbag that holds a tone more than I should? Well, I have a drawer that I keep lots of my drawings, and I could have sworn that I had already scanned everything that I had wanted from the stuff in there, but yesterday, when I was cleaning it out, I found another handful of drawings that I hadn’t scanned and wanted to.

I don’t draw much manga/anime anymore, which is probably a good thing because it isn’t really professionally useful, but I found these from not to long ago and decided that they where worth posting.

I made these originally, as changeable decorations for a folder I had that had a clear pocket.

Having fun with a nice pen.

Another faire. I’m going to do this one in watercolor if I ever get around to it.

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