Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Sorting More Scanning

Who knew that blogging would end up as incentive to finally sort through all my old papers, something I should have done ages ago. The more I look the more I find, and the more I find the more I post.

These first three where from a sketchbook I filled a long time ago. They where the best ones in there and I rather like them. The rest, however, where all so bad that you couldn’t pay me to post them, that’s O.K. though. You’ve got to walk before you can run, and, anyway, some of them made me laugh!

Another fairy (yes, I do have a thing for fairies.)

An empty map.
It’s actually inspired by the map illustrations at the beginning of some of the books in The Chronicles of Narnia. I tried for about a week to come up with good names for the places and eventually gave up.

I drew this one after reading the graphic novel Rapunzel's Revenge for the first time. I was playing around a bit with my variation on the illustrator’s (his name is Nathan Hale, and this is his blog.) style.It’s a pity that it’s on lined paper.

This is probably the only really recent drawing that I’ve got in this post.

This one’s all about me, and all the stuff that I like. That’s my cartoon/manga version of me in the middle. I may color this eventually.

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