Saturday, December 12, 2009

From the Depths of my Backpack

It’s amazing what I manage to find in the stacks of paper that sit in various boxes and folders most of which, this time, where full of unfinished stuff. I cleaned out my doodle/art/whatever-you-want-to-call-it folder and found these

This is a manga character of mine. I was trying to come up with a battle outfit.

I was teaching myself to draw Wilber Robinson for a friend and liked how this practice turned out.

I wanted to use some new pens so I started to draw boarders.

Hope you liked it!
Hey, for the few of you that make me feel so special by checking my blog keep your eye out, I have a series of cartoon sidekicks on the way. You know the little comic guys that are everyone’s favorite characters? Most of them will be Disney, gota' love the classics

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