Monday, December 28, 2009

Now In Color!

You remember this one? I accidentally posted the original twice. I also said a wile ago that I would try to color it. Well, I finally did, but I couldn’t decide on a background so I did two different options and then one without.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Sorting More Scanning

Who knew that blogging would end up as incentive to finally sort through all my old papers, something I should have done ages ago. The more I look the more I find, and the more I find the more I post.

These first three where from a sketchbook I filled a long time ago. They where the best ones in there and I rather like them. The rest, however, where all so bad that you couldn’t pay me to post them, that’s O.K. though. You’ve got to walk before you can run, and, anyway, some of them made me laugh!

Another fairy (yes, I do have a thing for fairies.)

An empty map.
It’s actually inspired by the map illustrations at the beginning of some of the books in The Chronicles of Narnia. I tried for about a week to come up with good names for the places and eventually gave up.

I drew this one after reading the graphic novel Rapunzel's Revenge for the first time. I was playing around a bit with my variation on the illustrator’s (his name is Nathan Hale, and this is his blog.) style.It’s a pity that it’s on lined paper.

This is probably the only really recent drawing that I’ve got in this post.

This one’s all about me, and all the stuff that I like. That’s my cartoon/manga version of me in the middle. I may color this eventually.


I told you I’d been doing sidekicks. There may be more to come, but here are the first five.

Sir Hiss, sidekick to Prince John, from Robin Hood.

Mushu from Mulan.

Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast.

Cri-kee, sidekick to Mushu, from Mulan.

Now, this one is breaking two rules: One, he’s the second sidekick from the same movie, and, two, he’s a sidekick to a sidekick, but so many people where asking if I would do him and, I have to admit, he’s one of my favorites. And, yes, that is how you spell it.

Bartok from Anastasia.

These have been tons of fun, I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have.

Christmas Cards

I’ve been working on coloring these and such for a while. You can print and use them if you want. Merry Christmas.

This is the lighter version. It came about because my mom wanted a version that used less ink.

this is the brighter/darker version of it and also the way it was originally intended to be, I just liked the other one too so I decided to post both.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

From the Depths of my Backpack

It’s amazing what I manage to find in the stacks of paper that sit in various boxes and folders most of which, this time, where full of unfinished stuff. I cleaned out my doodle/art/whatever-you-want-to-call-it folder and found these

This is a manga character of mine. I was trying to come up with a battle outfit.

I was teaching myself to draw Wilber Robinson for a friend and liked how this practice turned out.

I wanted to use some new pens so I started to draw boarders.

Hope you liked it!
Hey, for the few of you that make me feel so special by checking my blog keep your eye out, I have a series of cartoon sidekicks on the way. You know the little comic guys that are everyone’s favorite characters? Most of them will be Disney, gota' love the classics

Friday, December 11, 2009

Carousel Horses

Well, I've been a little low on creativity for a while now, so I was kind of looking through some old drawings on the computer and came across one that I had drawn for some good friends, a carousel horse. I never post gifts, it just doesn’t feel right, but I decided, instead, to draw some more carousel horses. Theses are the results.

I really enjoyed it, they're a great thing to draw, I hope you enjoy them too.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doodel Time Is Wonderful!

I've finely got a week or so of calm so, as a result, I've been doodling my heart out, and doodling means lots of I-got-lucky-and-it-turned-out-good drawings. Here are a few.

If you've seen Meet the Robinsons then you may recognize these a little. I wanted to draw some sort of robot thing so I drew these, they're kind of a mix between Doris from Meet the Robinsons and these weird spider-robot things in this computer game that my brother likes.

This was one of those lucky ones

Got bored. You have no idea how fun it is to draw lips with bright red lipstick (I had the time of my life on Audrey Hepburn with that!)

This was an old one that I hadn’t posted yet.

Monday, December 7, 2009


These are snowflakes that I cut out for a sort of service project (it's sort of like a "heart-attack" only with paper snowflakes instead of paper hearts)
I was just going to take a picture, but I decided to scan them instead.

Some of them actually have pictures in them: Christmas trees, leaves, and bells.
Can you spot them? (Click on the picture to see it closer up)
I did all of these last night (O.K. not all of them, but most of them), and, ironically, the first big snow was dumped while I was asleep!

Friday, December 4, 2009

One Step At A Time

I decided, since I'm so tired of getting behind and then playing catch-up, that I'm going to post things as I finish them instead of doing them in groups.

Here are two that I finished in the last few days.

Originally, I wasn't planning to scan this at all, but it turned out cuter than I thought it would.

I've always wanted to draw Celtic knot so I've started to teach myself.