Thursday, March 15, 2012

Butler from Artemis Fowl

So, even though I’m probably to old for it, I’m going to be posting my take on the Artemis Fowl characters on and off for the next little bit.

We'll start it off with Butler:

For the Sake of Posting

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Girl With the Blue Eyes

Ballpoint pen.

Finding a Way to Work

Inspired by Hugo, a movie almost as beautiful as the book it’s taken from (and it you’ve seen the book you know what a complement that is).

Saturday, March 10, 2012



You might remember him, he was in this post and this one too. I'm trying to work out what he looks like a little better. So far there been some good changes and it's overall more accurate, so I guess that's good.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I love my music.
I did trace the letters, by the way. Call me a cheater if you want to, but I wasn’t about to spend the time to hand copy that, and I wanted it to match the rest, so yeah.

Oh, post number 100, by the way! Wow I’ve got a lot of junk on here. I thoroughly enjoy it! :3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weather the Storm, The Bravery Bust

 Just a little doodle, but I liked it.