Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cock-A-Doodles And Requests To Do

O.K., as the title hopefully communicates, I’ve this post is mostly doodles and things that I did on request from different people. Let’s jump on in!

this is a page I put together of all the doodles I found when going through my school papers that I deemed post-worthy.

These two are characters from the same manga that Ichigo, that cat girl I keep drawing, is from. The original is only about one inch tall, just because I like drawing tiny things.

What results from boredom in biology when your teacher mentions frogs.

Just wanted to draw something sassy.

Random idea.

Another random idea.

Yet another random idea!

O.K., this one came from the thought that it would be really fun to draw CD covers. I had the idea a while ago but didn’t pick a song to be the “title Track” until recently. The one I finely did pick was an a cappella version of Black Balloon, I’d never even heard the original version until the day before I drew this.

I drew this after being inspired by someone else’s style.

thought I’d try another strait Photoshop drawing.

While I was drawing it I was playing with the layers and this happened. My little sister and me both thought that it looked like a book cover, so I cleaned it up a bit and decided to post it.

Now we’re on to the requests.

I drew a picture of a group of my friends last year. There have been additions since then and they wanted me to draw another so I did!

This is another group of friends that I have, when they saw the previous picture they wanted one too so I drew this.

One of my friends wanted to use the drawing as an avatar so I colored it for her.

We’re back to stuff from my idea friend.
For this one he told me to draw some sort of robot with fangs…is it just me or is that terribly random?

A robot butterfly. Go figure.

for this one he wanted me to draw a door that was a portal to another world.

And this is my idea friend himself!
He asked me to draw a picture of him, gave me a reference, and I gave him this.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Little Splash of Color

Hello again!
Between colored pencils and the computer I’ve been doing a lot more coloring than I normally do. It’s been fun, and really enhances the finished result!

These first two are the results of boredom manifest on a notebook. With this one I just wanted to use my colored pencils and realized how good bright color looks against that drab brown.

This is the front of the same notebook, and I know that it isn’t exactly a drawing, but my friend had a gold wrapper and it was just begging to be mad into something.

This one was originally going to be the start of a series of animal themed masquerade outfits that I never real go around to. It’s supposed to be like a spider. I’m not sure it worked terribly well.

Another idea that I got from my idea friend.

The next three where originally doodles on various notes I was supposed o be taking. I ended up likening them so much that I decided they needed color!

Couldn’t decide which version I liked best.

Experimenting in the margins…

I learned some new manga coloring methods from observing a friend and wanted to put it to work.

OK, so I’m not really into cars, in fact I don’t really understand some peoples thing for them in the first place, but what I do like are fun, decorated cars. I decided that, as long as it runs, complete junker could b my dream car, provided I could paint it. Thus I present to you my dream car, or at least one option for it.

Oh, and the things in the upper right-hand corner are potential license plates.