Friday, April 16, 2010


Told you I’d be posting again soon! These are some of the things I’ve been doing now that I’m free from 100 themes.

I had a bug to do stuff in pen a while ago, these are the results!

This first one I did in pencil first then inked it in a nice inking pen or marker

These next three were doodles that I did in strait ballpoint. I do have a habit of letting it get to busy though, sorry.

Two random drawings.

You remember my idea friend? Well, these next five are all from his ideas.

He’s been having me do a lot of robotic stuff lately, which is really fun, but this one is by far my favorite! He comes up with the coolest ideas!

You may remember this one. Well, I finely got it colored!

I’m really happy with this one! It is a character from a manga (Japanese comic) that I used to read. I used some reference material and was actually able to learn a lot, especially about coloring! I think it ended up looking a lot like her and more professional than I had expected. You can decide for yourself if she looks like Ichigo.

That’s about it for now! See ya’!

1 comment:

Megan said...

These look great Mickey!