Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Character Crazy

Sorry I’ve been such a slacker lately. I’ve had these pictures and another post that’s coming soon (I hope) almost but not quit ready for a long time, but I’m finely getting this one done so I can breath a bit again.

These pictures are all short profiles for characters that I made up and finely got up the nerve to draw. I normally not extremely great at making pictures actually look like someone in specific but I recently learned some new tricks and they actually look a ton like my characters! I’m really happy with them, it’s great to be able to show people what they look like!

There are three sets of characters here from three different stories (although they do overlap a little), all of which are fantasy. This first one is the one I’ve actually started to write, don’t read the version I have on here, though, it’s gone through tons of editing sense and that ancient version stinks.
This is the main character.

This is her best friend.

He’s kind of makes it a threesome some of the time.

The next ones are also part of the group but not as close.

This is Lilly’s older sister.

He’s Harmonie’s husband.

This is Lilly’s love intrest.

And this is the villain!

New story!
This is the main character.

Jordan’s love interest.

Jordan’s best friend.

Ryder’s love interest.

She’s a friend of theirs, and is about six years younger.

Also a friend.

Last story!
O.K., you know the drill:
Main character.

His sister.

Their friend.

Well, that’s it for now, hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Sorry for not posting in forever, but this time I have an excuse, a good one. My scanner is actually, half scanner half printer and you know how temperamental printers can be, so it was sent out to get fixed, and , being the forgetful family mine is, we didn’t pick it up for a couple of weeks. And, get this, it just so happens that while I’m scanner-less it’s the week or two before my self-proclaimed 100 themes due date!

It was kind of insane, but here’s the good news:
I even finished on time, so here are the last 20 for you!

#81 pen and paper

#82 can you hear me?
I couldn’t decide which idea to go with for this one so I just did both

#83 heal

#84 out cold
(I kind of cheated on this one :D)

#85 spiral

#86 seeing red

#87 food

#88 pain

#89 through the fire

#90 triangle

#91 drowning

#92 all that I have

#93 give up

#94 last hope

#95 advertisment

#96 in the storm

#97 saftey first

#98 puzzle

#99 solitude

#100 relaxation!

Well, there you go, the whole 100. maybe I'll make a collage of all of them and post that, but for now there's more catch up from the scanner-less weeks coming soon on to own DVD and blue-ray!
(sorry, I jus felt like being silly, there will be a new post soon!)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

English Class Presents:
The Screwtape Letters

My English teacher is officially awesome! We recently had to do a small project on a book that we’ve read and guess what it was. We had to make a poster for an imaginary movie that was patterned after the book. It was supposed to be done on the computer so I decided that I’d use it as an excuse to do a painting in Photoshop. I had to do it without scanning something in first because our scanner was being fixed and we haven’t picked it up yet. Only through a homework assignment can I get away with spending that much time on the computer in one day.

It was late when I finished so I was feeling a bit wacky so since the comments had to be relevant (it is an English assignment, after all) I had some fun with the names of the fake references. Click on it to check them out!