Saturday, January 23, 2010


Woo-Hoo got another post done! Hope you like it.

I was doing a doodle page of my cartoon of me, because I hadn’t drawn it for a wile, and a friend got a hold of my paper and drew her character too. I thought it was funny, so I kept them on, hopefully you can tell which ones are mine and which are hers. If it helps any, she draws lighter than me, so the lighter stuff is hers, and we both used only one character.

I was trying out a new style inspired by some fairy stickers I had. I really liked the results.

My friend (a different one than the other two. I feel loved!) wanted me to draw her a picture, so I thought I’d use my new style. I like it and I think she did to.

This one was another idea from a friend (the same one that asked me to draw his symbol, the sword one, and the cartoon manatee and panda. I think I’m going to have to start calling him my “idea friend”). Can you see the face in the bottom of the glass?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Magic Carpet-Drawer?

You know in Mary Poppins, how she has that magic carpetbag that holds a tone more than I should? Well, I have a drawer that I keep lots of my drawings, and I could have sworn that I had already scanned everything that I had wanted from the stuff in there, but yesterday, when I was cleaning it out, I found another handful of drawings that I hadn’t scanned and wanted to.

I don’t draw much manga/anime anymore, which is probably a good thing because it isn’t really professionally useful, but I found these from not to long ago and decided that they where worth posting.

I made these originally, as changeable decorations for a folder I had that had a clear pocket.

Having fun with a nice pen.

Another faire. I’m going to do this one in watercolor if I ever get around to it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My World of Fantasy.

I think I draw fantasy more than anything else, or at least romanticized stuff. That’s pretty much what these drawings are.

A doodle went really well, and, yes, she is leaning on something but I didn’t want to have to draw it (I seem to have a bad habit of doing that).

As you already know, I have a thing for pixies fairies and the such, and I recently had the erg to draw some.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wally, Meet Wallette.

This was kind of my project over Christmas break, I just hadn’t posted it yet.

Behold: THE DUCT TAPE WALLET EXTREME! … I know, it’s not that exiting, but I’m happy with it. It’s made completely out of tape (except for the pen, of course, but it’s covered in tape). I cut out the decorations by hand. Exacto knifes are amazing things, as is colored duct tape. Ready for the tour?

This is the front,

The back

Unfolded once.

Unfolded twice.

And the pen!

Tada! O.K. show’s over you can all go do whatever, now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

When Low On Creativity, Borrow Someone Else’s!

As you probably know by now I’ve been on a bit of a creative low for a wile, but I finally have an idea source! My friends!

These first three are from a request that a friend of mine gave me to play with this symbol that he made up for himself. These are the results:

Here are some more drawings that came from ideas from the same friend.

This was a gift to a friend (a different one) about an inside joke, and they wanted me to post it. Yes, for those of you who have seen My Neighbor Totoro this is Totoro… in bloomers, that was the inside joke part. Long story.

This is the colorless version of a bookmark I’m working on. I’ll have the color versions soon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This Is My Creative Title!

You remember 100 themes? Well, I am going to finish them, my goal is by the end of febuary. Wish me luck.

I got one done among all my doodles and other progects. I present to you:

#74 are you challenging me?

O.k. Before you look at anything else I just want to say I don’t agree with the idea of tattoos, but I do like the style that they’re in. That’s what theses are about.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Just for Sidekicks and Giggles

Here are some more sidekicks for you.

Meeko form Pocahontas.

Sebastian from Little Mermaid.

Zazu from Lion King

And Scrat from Ice Age

Friday, January 1, 2010

I’m Not As Random As You Think I Salad

Yes, I’m not as random as you think I salad (yes, SALAD, as in the leafy green stuff. It’s a joke that I got from a friend). Here are three absolutely unrelated drawings to prove it.

I drew this one a while ago and it showed up recently. I had originally drawn it with the intention of coloring it, so I decided to finish the job.It’s a chiby of the main character of the manga, Tokyo Mew Mew. Her name is Ichigo, which means strawberry in Japanese.

A doodle went well. It reminded me of dragonology so I decided to color it.

This is Ryder. He’s a character in one of my stories (I’m not going to try to explain it ‘cause it’s a little weir and would take WAY to much time to type). He’s a fun character to mess around with. The shortest explanation is that he’s a mischievous flirt with a best friend that’s a loyal rule-follower.
He is leaning on something, by the way, I just don’t know what it is and didn’t want to draw it anyway.