Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Art+ School=Fun+Chaos

Sorry its been so long. I almost let myself get way behind again but to make up for it I've got a lot of new artwork!( I mean a LOT )

Here's some more themes!

#31 flowers
(yay! I'm Finlay done with it)

#32 Night
sorry, the background wasn't very successful '^^

#33 expectations

#34 stars
I was going to do a background on this one but because night didn't turn out so well I didn't.

#35 hold my hand

#36 precious treasure

#37 abandoned

#38 eyes
As you can see I've been having fun with colored pencil!-^^- tee-hee

#39 dreams

#40 rated
this one took forever but it was totally worth it! ( I'd encourage you to look at this one up close. Just click on it. When you do the thing will be way to big for the page but if you right click and click 'view image' in the menu bar that appears it will go small enough to fit. )

#41 teamwork

#42 standing still

#43 dying

#44 two roads

#45 Illusion

Here is some artwork that I did semi-recently that wasn't for 100 themes. It goes from most recent to least.

O.K. Just so everyone knows she is NOT smoking. She's eating this Japanese treat called Pocky,it's sort of like a very long pretzel stick without the salt dipped in chocolate. It's really good!

practicing a new style.

I decided to do some bookmarks

Had an urge to draw a cool fairy

This one's of one of my brother's characters that he made up he said that he had a hard time drawing her so I thought I'd give it a try. It turned out nicely and he liked so I guess it was a success.

And that's about it. Oh, and for anyone who might want to and is as conscientious about these things as my family is, you're free to print out the bookmarks or anything else I post if you'd like to.
I'll see ya!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hey, you know how you're dying and family pictures got washed out. They actually show up pretty well on my laptop's monitor.