Thursday, July 9, 2009


I got the next few themes done, here they are!!

#5 Seeking Solace

#6 Break Away

#7 Heaven

#8 Innocence
for this one i couldn't choose between 2 ideas so i did both of them. Then, being the indecisive person i am, i couldn't choose between the color and black and white one of the 2nd picture so i did both of them too. so for your viewing pleasure i give you (drum roll please): Innocence #1 and Innocence #2 and Innocence #2 in color!

#9 Drive

#10 Breathe Again

Oh, and for those of you at curly squared Innocence #2 was modeled from a picture of your little darling!

more pix. later!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

we noticed the inspiration for innocence right away! we ought to have, of course. These are beautiful pictures (especially "innocence", but I am biased :)