Monday, February 9, 2009

Story Time

I'm writing a story right now and it's the first one I've ever really got off the ground (there was several past attempts). I hope I can keep it going. Anyway, here's the first bit, I have a lot more but it's not typed yet.

I can’t believe it! Lilly thought. She let a scarcely audible groan escape her pursed lips. Why would they want to move now, and with such little warning? Well, that wasn’t all true. Her parents had been vegley considering it for at least a year. But they never seemed serious. Lilly was constantly arguing, even against facts. Last night had been more of a fight than an argument. Voices had been raised until Lilly’s mother had begun to wonder what the neighbors would think. But with only a week’s warning before such an extreme change Lilly defended her right to yell.

It was late November and she had finally dug herself into the habit of things at school after a lazy summer. It puzzled her that it had taken so long to do so, there wasn’t that much to get used to. Different classes in a shuffled order. No new faces, not even unfamiliar teachers, thanks to her older sister, Harmony, blazing the new frontier of middle school before her.Yes, the same old people. The jocks, the skateboarders, and, of course those blond-haired girls who stood in huddles gossiping and batting their eyelashes. They seemed to be content ignoring everyone who wasn’t their clone, this particularly being Lilly.

send me suggestions!!

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