Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Step at a Time

Hey! Long time no post, hu? Well, even though this blog looked dead (and I thought it was dead) it's not! HA!

Actually, an epic friend of mine promised to post more on her blog if I resurrected mine. She's a freaking amazing artist, the very ridiculously small(and perhaps nonexistent) group of people who ever check this blog and are not her should check out her blog and Deviant Art. As you can imagine, I'm way behind, so I'm going to be getting back up to date one step at a time, which means a lot of 1 picture posts and not a lot of type (which I'm sure you'll be glad about).

Speaking of Deviant Art, I stole this meme off there. And thus we have my firs 1 pic. post of many!

I did the first one when I was about 12 so...yeah. :)